SUCH a great, beautiful weekend. Elliot's last for awhile, and even though he'll get more sun back in Spain than any Londoner (or anyone, really) could ever dream about, it was so nice to get out in this city and see how glorious it really can be! Also funny: how nice everyone suddenly becomes. :)
This is London Fields, and it actually seemed much greener in real life. A few hours later, when we passed it again, it was JAM packed with people, all lying around like seals on a beach.

This woman and her band were playing in the heart of Broadway Market. She had an odd singing face, but she had actually quite a lovely voice (she sang French ballads; also slightly weird) if you could get over her weird facial contortions.
Our friends pointed out the drawing on the side of this building as a Cyanide & Happiness one. When we went home that night, we spent about an hour poring over recent comics; I really like this one:
Cyanide & Happiness 'specialise' in sick, often cynical, always hilarious humour.
Anyway, back at Broadway Market, there were loads of stalls selling everything from crochet socks and butterfly-wing pendants to Vietnamese banh-mi (the most delicious sandwiches in the world) and these sausages.
We have been on a quest to eat less meat (I have no idea why; this is one of those instances where Elliot has decided he wants to do something and I, for some reason, agree to do the same), so this stall was particularly painful.
We then passed a portion of Regent's Canal where a little canal boat had been transformed into a makeshift bookshop, with its owners eating a lovely little meal on top.
It was really cute - not sure if you can see the gingham tablecloth (or the fact that the guy was wearing a studded belt with some kind of bike top / leather vest), but their little picnic looked delicious.
We then found The Dog & Wardrobe, a little vintage furniture / housewares shop next to the canal that, as it turns out, was mentioned in a recent issue of Time Out (which I saw when I got home). It was like a tiny, mini version of the Sunbury market - I wouldn't be surprised if they got some of their great finds there.
We finished off the sunny day out with burgers and beer at the Netil Market... (yes, I had a burger; Elliot had a veggie burger!!!)... next time, I'll take some snaps of the meat.
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