Monday, May 7 was a "bank holiday" here in the UK (stat. holiday in Canada - yet another little language-ism I feel the need to share) - May Day, officially. I went to visit Elliot in Spain, which was more eventful than normal.
On Friday night, we went to
Pirates (Reloaded) with some of the Mallorca Rocks reps and guests - it's a dinner show with a sexed-up version for adults that features, obviously, a pirate theme and acrobatics-type numbers. It's one of the main attractions in Magaluf, which has a lovely beach but is far more known as a playground for 16-20-year-old British lads on their first vacation away from their parents (for you North Americans, think a bunch of teenagers on their first trip to Cancun or Vegas and you get the idea.)
Then, on Saturday night, we went to a launch party for
McQueen Ibiza, which has just opened a new location in Mallorca. I was told this was a party to celebrate "adult toys", which was no, NOT sex toys but stuff like this:
That, my friends, is a jet pack. It's this weird, Ironman-like contraption that basically has two hoses near your armpits that shoot out water that has been sucked up through a hose hanging out of a 'base' that you wear on your back. Sounds weird... and it looks weird, too.
That's not all: it retails for €100,000. If I have that kind of money, a jet pack is NOT the first thing I would be lining up to buy....
We got a better look the next day (actually, Elliot was going to try it out but after three hours and a few "incidents"—a loose screw here, a missing Allen key there, and plenty of "we'll be ready in half an hour"s—we gave up).
This, however, was my view — so no complaining.
We also went to one of my favourite paella restaurants at Camp de Mar on the west side of the island - didn't have the saffron-y dish this time, but did start with another Spanish favourite, pimientos de Padrón. Legend has it that 1/100 of these little peppers will be spicy, but I have never, EVER had a spicy one.
But watch: now they'll always be spicy.
In Palma, there was also a little festival / market this weekend - I think it might have been for the Feria de Abril, but I'm not sure.
My favourite little stall was a "Pulperia", which was selling Pulpo a la Gallega, a signature Spanish dish. SO fresh and so delicious. I want some now!
Look at those tentacles!